L-2A Test Sample, Customized Model
Image of Your Name Plate
Type L-2A, Experimental Test Sample, - CUSTOMIZED MODEL -
“L-2A Test Sample, Customized Model” is for the model which customizing with your desired Wing, Rank, Name Plate and Sub-Order Tag. The details for the selection and filling are indicated bellows.
Wing Type :
•Allowed Characters:
Capital letters(A-Z), Small letter(c), Dot(.), Apostrophe(') are available for the printing.

•Image of Your Name Plate:
Confirm the printing image before submitting your order.
Pre-Order: We currently sell our L-2As by only pre-order in 10% discount from our retail prices in order to use NOS M48 Crown zipper for effective use. Current despatch time is up to 6 weeks.

Condition: New, Repro.(M.O.C. Ltd. Inc)
Item #: 09-01-5120-10
Size: 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44
Pre-Order Price
Yen 67,500